Saturday 17 December 2011

Film Logo Ideas.

We have entitled our film 'Silent Night'. I think this works really well as Silent Night is of course a well known Christmas song, however it can also work effectively from a horror perspective. Silent Night can give off quite a creepy, scary sort of feeling because the idea of 'silence' makes you think of mystery, not knowing whats happening and then the word 'night' makes you think of darkness and in a lot of movies, the night is always associated with fear. The words 'silent' and 'night' together therefore create the idea of being alone in the darkness, not being able to hear or see anything and this is a very scary thought and a complete opposite to the festive meaning of the words.

Tom has been working on Photoshop and has created a first draft of a possible logo for the film:

As you can see, we have the festive reference relating to the theme of our film and to the title with the use of the Christmas tree. We then have the scary, gothic font and the use of red on white to make it look as if blood is dripping from the letters. This relates to the horror genre we have chosen for the film and both this and the festive reference creates an interesting juxtaposition as these two things which are complete opposites are being put together to create something we would not usually expect.

The logo was created using a program called Photoshop which we as a group have had some experience in using in the past. We are going to also have the chance to become more familiar with it when we create a film poster and magazine cover for our trailer.

Wednesday 14 December 2011

The Animatic.

You can watch the draft version of our animatic here:

This is an animatic our group has made using the images from the story board we produced. This can be see as a sort of rough, drawn draft of what our overall horror trailer should look like.

Weekly Blog Update #3.

At the start of the week had a flexible learning day in which we had Media for the whole day. During this time we decided we would get everything we had to complete done or near enough so that we could start filming after the Christmas holidays.
Sameena and I worked together on the storyboards and completed them. We then created the animatic and uploaded that to youtube and our blogs.
Tom and Dean edited the video footage for the interview we recorded and they also recorded the information from our questionnaires into graphs. The interview video can be found here and the questionnaire results and i plan to upload a video of the questionnaire and commentary anaylsis in a few days.
So, what next? We still need to complete a production plan and do some work on the production name and logo for our film. During the holidays we are also going to sort out props and do some location scouting. Once this is done, which shouldn't take up too much time, we can finally begin filming!

Audience Research - The Interview.

This is the video for the interview we held last week. We used random sampling to gather people and then asked them a series of questions that related to the horror trailer we will be producing. This type of audience research will come in quite helpful for us as it is a much more detailed way of gaining an audiences opinion.

Thursday 1 December 2011

What next?

Within the next week or so, we plan to have our questionnaires completed and the data received recorded. We also plan to have our interviews done and recorded which we will then proceed to edit and upload to our blogs. On top of this, we are hoping to continue with our storyboarding and make some good progress on it if not complete it totally.

Interview Questions.

1. Describe a typical Christmas day for you.

2. What's your favourite horror film and why?

3. What's your favourite Christmas film and why?

4. What do you expect to see in a horror film and why?

5. What do you expect to see in a Christmas film and why?

6. Do you think music is an important element to a horror film? Why?

7. Do you think music is an important element to a Christmas film? Why?