Friday 2 March 2012

Final Draft of Movie Poster.

I think that we have successfully created an effective movie poster and that the film is represented clearly as well as the conventions of a movie poster being included and thought about. The title stands out, the font being bold and working well with the genre. The gothic like font and the red on the ends of the letter signifying blood work effectively to show that the genre of our movie is horror and it reflects the idea of death and gore (common conventions of the horror genre). The dark image in the background works well the bright white font, making it clear and easy to read. This is the same with the bright red font used for the production logo and the release date, the red also representing the horror genre as red is associated again with blood and death. Font including the film title, release date and slogan are centered to reflect the importance of each and to make them stand out from the rest of writing such as the credits which are difficult to read as they are not intended to divert attention away from the film but to instead given credit to those that help during the production of our trailer. Finally, the background image in my opinion is extremely effective and works really well with the whole of the poster. It's the key element of the poster and it helps to tie everything else together, the other elements work around it and help to complement it. The image itself depicts the antagonist (Tom) outside the protagonists house, it's dark and Tom's face is blacked out. This creates the idea of mystery and fear because we don't know who this person is. Also, it is very dark outside and the darkness is always associated with fear and danger in horror films, so this follows one of the main conventions of our chosen genre well.

1 comment:

  1. I have been impressed with the daily effort you have put into your courework. This has ENSURED your production is solid and I am please how it has developed from your first cut.

    I really think you are capable of acheiving a very high mark overall, but in order to do this your blog needs even more detailed. I would like you to go over all your posts and think how could I make this better. Think perfection!

    Ensure you have multiple references, for all your posts. Remember to use the PEE format to extend your posts. Please look at Jodies (last years student) to look at the level of detail required for a high grade.
